New Service Offered to Wealthy Widows Part 7

As I mentioned it you are a WEALTHY WIDOW or DIVORCEE you must learn how to have a KILLER INSTINCT mindset! However it has nothing to do with a EARTHLY KILLER INSTINCT! So what am I referring to? As a … Continue reading

New Service Offered to Wealthy Widows Part 4

If you are SMART unlike my friend you should do a BACKGROUND CHECK! I actually did a background check on Jealous Jim finding at least ONE BANKRUPTCY because when I mentioned it to her she became defensive and demanded I … Continue reading

New Service Offered to Wealthy Widows Part 3

Yes, Jealous Jim is a traveling salesman, who could have more girlfriends on his route. By the way another wise female of mine, who knows this wealthy widow, suggests what I have just shared above. So how does a wealthy … Continue reading