Today we finish up the four aspects of KILLER INSTINCT according to martial arts instructor Ed Aiken.
The fourth continuum is – EMOTIONS!
On the right side we have what Ed calls ALOOFNESS or being PASSIVELY REACTIVE. You are accessing the threat level to see if it exist.
Jack Reacher is a PERFECT example of a dude, who first accesses the threat level and attempts to defuse any situation. He exemplifies the art of SITUATIONAL AWARENESS that I specialize in. In fact, reading Jack Reacher novels has helped me greatly!
So let’s assume there is a valid threat that could lead to injury or even death. Now you want to move to the far left side of the continuum – CONTROLLED & FOCUSED RAGE!
This is when your VOICE should kick in too as it is used to startle the opponent. It could throw him/her off guard and give you the split second advantage!
As I mentioned above my expertise is SITUATIONAL AWARENESS and I learned from the best in the business – Tom Brown. He has trained not only individuals like myself but US Special Forces operators. He has been used to test the infiltration of top US military bases and NEVER been caught!
If you would like to learn what he taught me along with my Ninja Sensei Bud Malmstrom, then send for my FREE Templar Warriors Manual Part 1 by just emailing me at hughsimpson@gmx.com Subject: Manual. Send a legitimate email address and first name.
In the next post I am going to share how MINIMALISM plays a role in honing KILLER INSTINCT SURVIVAL TECHNIQUES.
Hugh Simpson