You have heard of panic rooms that wealthy people have in their homes to retreat to in case of an emergency.
We offer RAPTOR BUNKER DOMES™ instead of the negative fearful thinking you get with a panic room or dome.
Raptor Bunker Domes™ should sit at least 10 FEET UNDERGROUND on a concrete slab. The TOP height will be ONE HALF the DIAMETER of the dome. For example, if the dome is one of our 18 foot diameter models the TOP of the roof will be 9 feet from the foundation. They should be accessed by a submarine hatch with a spiral staircase.
The Raptor Dome ™ is DODECAHEDRON in shape making it the STRONGEST MAN-MADE STRUCTURE ON PLANET EARTH! Even above ground it is built to withstand Category 5 hurricanes, tornadoes and mid-level Richter scale earthquakes.

It is constructed of 2×6 wood struts and 3/4 inch marine plywood hubs connected to a concrete slab that is 3-6 inches in depth.

Then it is covered with plywood panels and coated with GAF environmentally friendly HydroStop ® that should last 10 years before having to be re-coated. Because it will be underground we suggest that you also put a coating of tar over everything to further waterproof it.

The power for the Raptor Bunker Dome ™ could be a patent pending generator that you can learn more about from my Grid Going Down PDF brochure available by emailing me at Subject Generator. I will warn you the supply of them are limited due to the supply chain chaos.

We even have a patent pending water-based food growing system that can be used with grow lights.
The bottom trough raises fish and their nitrogen waste is then sent to the other troughs to grow veggies, fruits, herbs, rice, etc. The required daily maintenance is approximately one hour.
The Raptor Bunker Dome™ could be used as home; however to keep building code personnel from considering it as a home, tell them you are using it for STORAGE! After it is approved then you can install more living quarters with BEDS, the food growing system, etc.
I offer consulting on building and outfitting your Raptor Bunker Dome™.