Updated Grand Solar Minimum Report

I spoke to the inventor of the revolutionary 1600 watt handcranked and bike powered generator that we not currently offering because of the triple costs of manufacturing it!

He has a Masters in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue.

I asked him if he thought that when the Arctic temperatures come from Grand Solar Minimum like the ones that brought down the power in Texas if we would have a MASSIVE Grid Going Down, he said an a powerful YES!

He also said that the power companies will do NOTHING to prevent this from happening and the US government will also do NOTHING because they already know that the majority of the 83,000,000 Americans that will be effected can’t be saved from freezing to DEATH or dying of STARVATION like 25% of the European population in the previous Grand Solar Minimum due to the shortening and eventual end of the growing season.

So what is the SOLUTION?

I actually have developed a doable plan for at least some of the 83,000,000 Americans to SURVIVE.

Hugh Simpson

Grand Solar Minimum Part 4

The REALITY is that the Grand Solar Minimum is REAL and is going to create havoc on the Planet! As Ray Dalio says about solving PUZZLES, this is a MASSIVE LIFE THREATENING puzzle we ALL need to solve!

So here is his 5 Step System:

1) Make sure that your goal is clear. All scientific research and evidence points toward this Arctic freezing 35 year event as proceeding along the same path as with previous ones over the 10,000 years that solar physicist Dr Zharkova studied with her algorithm.

2) Clearly identify the problems that stand in the way, and don’t tolerate them. The problems are Arctic freezing temperatures leading to first the shortening of the growing season and finally its end! This leads to STARVATION and DEATH!

So are you going to tolerate this for you and your loved ones?

More in next post!

Hugh Simpson

Grand Solar Minimum Part 3

I am a huge fan of hedge fund BILLIONAIRE Ray Dalio and his Life Principles.

Here is the first one:

“I have found it helpful to think of my life as if it were a game in which each problem I face [reality] is a puzzle I need to solve. By solving the puzzle, I get a gem in the form of a principle that helps me avoid the same sort of problem in the future. Collecting these gems continually improves my decision making, so I am able to ascend to higher and higher levels of play.”

The key to this first principle is FACING REALITY!

This REAL game is the current Grand Solar Minimum that has over 83,000,000 Americans alone in its cross hairs!

Solving it means that at least some of these Americans will not freeze or starve to death!

Hugh Simpson

Grand Solar Minimum Part 2

As mentioned in the previous post there was a Mini Ice Age with the previous Grand Solar Minimum but Dr Zharkova does not see that happening this time; however there will still be the Arctic freezing temperatures lasting year around for up to 35 YEARS!

I don’t think you want to FREEZE TO DEATH!

I don’t think you want to STARVE TO DEATH!

Therefore NOW is the time to start making preparations for this epic event!

I will be starting Operation Grand Solar Minimum Migration in 2023.

If you are interested in learning more email me at hugh@hughsimpson.com Subject: Operation GSM.

Hugh Simpson

Grand Solar Minimum Part 1

For those of you who you not familiar with the current Grand Solar Minimum here is some background information.

The Grand Solar Minimum occurs approximately every 350 years. World renowned solar physicist Dr Zharkova developed an algorithm that she used to study these GSMs all the way back 10,000 years. She discovered they occurred approximately EVERY 350 years like clockwork! She had another solar physicist confirm her algorithm and it was confirmed! An algorithm is scientifically and mathematically based.

The last one actually created a Mini Ice Age and led to the DEATHS of 25% of the European population by the Arctic temperatures and starvation!

This time we are looking at up to 83,000,000 Americans across two thirds of the USA effected by these Arctic freezing temperatures and potential starvation!

Yes, Europe, Russia, China and other countries will be effected!

You can visit her website HERE however I warn you she does not easily communicate with us nonscientific folks!

Hugh Simpson

The ANTS KNOW What Is Coming!

I learned years ago from the legendary SUN BEAR to watch the ANTS. He also taught me how to use a ROACH in a jar to warn of impending EARTHQUAKES!

So I have been watching the ANTS here in my little western North Carolina mountains town building the HIGHEST hills I have ever seen! They are going WAY DEEP!

Sun Bear said that the higher the hill the COLDER it will be!

Yes, I predict they are preparing to SURVIVE the current Grand Solar Minimum!

Hugh Simpson

Predator or Prey?

Yep, all life and especially with mammals you are either the PREDATOR or the PREY!

BTW you are a MAMMAL!

You have heard only the STRONG SURVIVE. I think it is even in a song.

As a long time (22 years and counting) teacher of Preparedness and Survival Skills, I say only the PREPARED SURVIVE!

Are you prepared to SURVIVE the two or possibly three HUGE natural events that are going to happen over the next 35 YEARS or more? One – the Grand Solar Minimum – has already begun its countdown. The Moon Wobble begins its around 2030.

Grand Solar Minimum

These are not BS myths but SCIENTIFIC events that cause you to be the PREY!

As Preparedness and Survival Skills consultants we estimate only 3% will be prepared. Interestingly a research project found only 3% COMPLETE the goals they set for themselves!

Hugh Simpson

Bug-Out Backpack & Slackpack

My Bug-out Backpack

If you can’t find a SAFE PLACE right away you sure can get yourself and each family member a BUG-OUT BACKPACK like this one or a SLACKPACK for the younger members. In fact, a 10 year old could carry his or her SLACKPACK.

This is mine and the backpack is made totally in the USA by my friends at Battle Lake Outdoors. Yes, it is over $200 but when you have an emergency and need to carry your backpack you don’t want a cheaply made Chinese one, where the straps might rip away! This one can easily carry 75 pounds! Even their slackpack can carry easily 15 pounds!

I keep the slackpack by my bedside as it has everything I need except the sleeping bag and hammock. I know several several ways to make temporary shelter.

There is enough freeze dried food and water packages to last me probably a week.

Several have asked me to identify the items in my backpack. First on the extreme left is my fabulous Lawson Hammock which has been voted the #1 hammock for use on the Appalachian Trail. It can also double as a one person on the ground tent. The white box to the right are the TREE HUGGERS that come with it to protect the trees you attach the hammock to. My friend Wes thinks of everything!

Below the hammock is the water purification system from Sawyer that cleans over 100 GALLONS with 99% purification! They also have the YELLOW Sting and Bite kit you see on the extreme right.

The big blue plastic package are my change of clothes. Always have these available. By the way my Battle Lake Outdoors backpack has a cool area that allows for the drying of clothes!

You can see the SILVER packages of freeze dried food and clean water.

The knife you see was given to me by my father when I was a teenager and is the real British Commando knife of Sheffield steel.

Hugh Simpson

Barter Will Be KING From Now On!

Yep, soon you may find it is the following that is way more acceptable than the US Dollar!


When I fractured my tibia they gave me a bottle of 90 tablets of OXCYCONTIN which I NEVER used. I have been told these unopened tablets have a street value of $9+ per tablet or $810+! May be even more for barter purposes! They are currently well hidden!

If you want to learn more about BARTER I wrote a book available exclusively at Amazon entitled Barter Wealth under my pen name MR Valentine for only 99 cents! I have bartered over $250,000 including a classic 1972 Mercedes, artwork, homes, clothes, etc.

Hugh Simpson