Killer Instinct SURVIVAL Techniques Part 20

I’ve been on a mini vacation for my 77th birthday.

I want to make sure you realize that KILLER INSTINCT is only a BURNING DESIRE TO BE AS SUCCESSFUL AS YOU CAN BE!

It definitely does not mean to go out and KILL people!

In fact, you should be full of XTREMEJOY™ with KILLER INSTINCT as often as possible!

Today in the USA with this ENTITLEMENT PHILOSOPHY we are seeing less DESIRE TO SUCCEED on OUR OWN!

83,000,000 Americans are in the sights of the current Grand Solar Minimum!

KILLER INSTINCT is the only way that they are going to SURVIVE! The government is NOT going to have the abilities to do it!

Hugh Simpson

Killer Instinct SURVIVAL Techniques Part 19

I found this description of ZEN ACTION in the book I’m reading Present Perfect by Pavel Somov PhD. He came from the former Soviet Union as an expert in Combat Psychology. Now he is working in the USA as a psychologist helping people like me that have been lifetime PERFECTIONISTS!

Thank GOD his book’s exercises are finally breaking of this habit!

However I liked what he had quoted on ZEN ACTION as I think it exemplifies KILLER INSTINCT!

See if you agree!

Hugh Simpson


Killer Instinct SURVIVAL Techniques Part 18

Here is another aspect of building CHARACTER as explained by GREG AMUNDSON in his Warrior:


My ancestors the Knights Templar exemplified this. They went into battle for GOD not for their egos! They build up their treasuries in Europe not for personal gain but to better the lives of those around them. In fact, their downfall occurred because King Philipe of France and his buddy the Pope wanted the Knights Templar treasuries for their own personal gain and power, which the Templars refused to comply with.

Of course, when these two conspirators found both the Paris and London treasuries EMPTY they were not too pleased! The Templars knew this would occur and moved their massive funds out of both London and Paris!

So in order to build CHARACTER one must follow MORAL principles!

More in next post!

Hugh Simpson


Killer Instinct SURVIVAL Techniques Part 17

Let’s continue to look at what my friend GREG AMUNDSON says about CHARACTER:

WARRIORS are GOAL oriented and make their own SUCCESS stories.”

Do you have WRITTEN GOALS for yourself?

ALUX taught me the importance of using a WHITEBOARD to write down my CHIEF GOAL AT THE TOP and then below it the steps it will take to reach it.

You will NEVER be a SUCCESS without WRITTEN GOALS!

More in next post!

Hugh Simpson


Killer Instinct SURVIVAL Techniques Part 16

You have heard how IMPORTANT your CHARACTER is most likely since your childhood like I have.

However if you are like me, we need an opportunity to remember what CHARACTER consists of as we learn here from my Christian brother GREG AMUNDSON in his Warrior:


“Warriors are people you can count on in a critical situation.”

The galloping Grand Solar Minimum is definitely going to be one of the most CRITICAL situations we have faced in over 350 years over 75% of the Planet!

I don’t want WIMPS, WHINERS and COMPLAINERS near me when we are facing Arctic freezing temperatures and starvation!


I want TEMPLAR WARRIORS trained in Situational Awareness, Preparedness and Survival Skills that I discuss in my FREE Templar Warriors Manual that you can get by sending me your first name and a legitimate email to Subject: Manual.

Hugh Simpson


Killer Instinct SURVIVAL Techniques Part 15

Remember today I start my sharing of SAILING at River Gypsy Captain.

So we know HABIT is extremely important to your success on anything. We learned the new scientific research shows it takes a MINIMUM of 66 DAYS to create a HABIT.

So HABIT is created by both CONSISTENCY and FOCUS!

The CONSISTENCY is the 66 days.

So if you want to be effective and efficient you must CONSISTENTLY FOCUS!

Hugh Simpson


Killer Instinct SURVIVAL Techniques Part 14

Today I want to share with you what is my plan for SURVIVING the Grand Solar Minimum. I am preparing currently to take my US Coast Guard Captain’s license exam on or before 7/4/2023 for a move back to the Jacksonville, Florida area, where you will find the beautiful winding 141 nautical miles of the St John’s River as shown here.

I plan to first rent and then buy a monohull sailboat instead of the catamaran you see on my book I wrote below.

I wrote this from the point of a landlubber and the information on searching for and purchasing a sailboat still applies to a monohull.

I am going to be sharing at both Sea Gypsy Live-Aboards and River Gypsy Captain my journey to studying and passing the Coast Guard Captain’s license exam.

I am looking to create an armada on the St John’s River of like minded captains, who want to SURVIVE the current Grand Solar Minimum like the armada my ancestors the Knights Templar created!

Come join me at either or both sites!

Hugh Simpson


Killer Instinct SURVIVAL Techniques Part 13

We Christians begin the Lent time when for 40 DAYS we give up something. For me as a, former Post Newsweek investigative reporter it is NEWS! Are you aware that a recent survey done in the USA showed across all political spectrums, ages and races that 74% don’t believe anything the news media says! I’m one of those myself!

So 40 DAYS of a HABIT is over half way to 66 DAYS that scientific research done at the University of Florida demonstrated that this was the “magic” number for the amount of time it takes to either make or break a habit.

So Christian or not here is your opportunity to spend 40 DAYS either making or breaking a HABIT!

My making habit is riding my stationary bike at least 30-45 minutes per day!

Hugh Simpson


Killer Instinct SURVIVAL Techniques Part 12

One of the very important aspects of KILLER INSTINCT is RESILIENCE.

This can be developed by practicing FOCUS and HABIT.

If you want to develop what I teach in my Preparedness and Survival Skills books and consulting, you can’t just do it for a week or so and have any real results! This INSTANT world we live in with the ability to find anything we want on the Internet is wonderful IF we use it appropriately. However it also can be very detrimental if we think it can make us experts INSTANTLY! That is it inherent danger!

I have been in the Situational Awareness, Preparedness and Survival Skills consulting business for now 23 YEARS and believe me I still don’t know it all and must make a HABIT of CONTINUOUSLY LEARNING!

I certainly want you to have the opportunity to get my FREE Templar Warriors Manual Part 1 just by emailing me at Subject: Manual with just your first name and a legitimate email.

Hugh Simpson


Killer Instinct SURVIVAL Techniques Part 11

My Christian brother Greg Amundson also says in his book Warrior that we must develop the following attributes: ENDURANCE, STAMINA, STRENGTH, FLEXIBILITY, POWER, SPEED, COORDINATION, AGILITY, BALANCE and ACCURACY.

Greg has used these same attributes as I mentioned in a previous post for our PHYSICAL FITNESS; however they also apply to our MENTAL and more importantly SPIRITUAL FITNESS!

We are going to need these PHYSICAL, MENTAL and SPIRITUAL attributes more than ever as we gallop towards the more devastating effects of the Grand Solar Minimum!

Hugh Simpson
