Disappear & Re-Appear!

Yes, I teach my clients how to go off the radar, where they currently are and re-appear in a SAFE ZONE.

Today it is more important than ever to know how to do this and that is why I wrote Disappear & Re-Appear available as a Kindle book exclusively on Amazon under my pen name MR Valentine. Make sure in your Amazon search you put in: Disappear & Re-Appear MR Valentine as Amazon is getting more specific on searches! The IDIOTS at WordPress won’t let you copy and paste from one site to another when it comes to Amazon/Kindle books! GO FIGURE!

Hugh Simpson

Rolling Blackouts Across USA

Just because you live in a RURAL area like I do don’t think you are safe from ROLLING BLACKOUTS! YOU AREN’T!

You see when this event occurs, which most likely increase exponentially with the EXCESSIVE use of electricity with AI going full blast, the URBAN areas start BORROWING electricity from the RURAL areas to compensate for the loss in the areas, where these power hungry water using generators that produce the electricity needed for AI are located.

So what is the solution?

Having your own fully owned source of electricity!

We have this 1600 WATT GENERATOR that can either be hand cranked or bike powered as you see here.

As mentioned in the previous post, this very unit was used by US Homeland Security for a secret three year project. They requested that this unit be removed from public buying for THREE YEARS!

It is now back in VERY LIMITED production!

See more information under the heading POWER OFF THE GRID at this website!

Hugh Simpson


This ARTICLE should be a WAKEUP CALL!

That so called life saving generator you see advertised on YouTube can’t touch this one!

If what happens with the GRID as mentioned in this above article, there will be NO CONTINUOUS GRID!

Our unit produces 1600 watts of power by just using the stationary bike stand, which is easily available in sporting goods stores and Amazon. So you are generating your electricity while getting your exercise!

There will be a LIMITED amount of these produced. This is the very same unit US Homeland Security had removed from the general public buying for THREE YEARS!

You add the Grand Solar Minimum plus the consumption of electricity mentioned in the article and you have a TOTAL DISASTER scenario developing!

Learn more at the heading Power Off the GRID on this website. We are back in LIMITED production!

Hugh Simpson

Hamas & Mexican Cartels

Yes, intelligence sources are reporting that Hamas and Mexican cartels are now working together presenting XTREME DANGER to the USA!

This could definitely increase the likelihood of SUICIDE bombing on USA soil!

I have taught SITUATIONAL AWARENESS for decades and NOW more than any recent time it is paramount to be TOTALLY AWARE especially in large stores like Walmart, Costco, Home Depot, etc. Large sporting and music events could be targets!

If you see any Arabic or possibly Mexican youth or young man or woman that appears to be HYPNOTIZED, then leave IMMEDIATELY! Suicide bombers are usually like this in demeanor.

I’m not profiling by race or ethnic group but by what we have learned of past suicide bombers!

Hugh Simpson


I heard of Marc and Diane on my favorite new Trop Rock Radio app. I realized they were in the Jacksonville area, where I grew up. I contacted them explaining why I was interested in working with them.

Marc personally called me today. We had a very productive conversation and not only can he represent the North Florida area but also South Georgia and South Texas in potential real estate locations.

So here is how you can learn MORE.

When you speak to Marc, Diane or one of their sales team mention me.

Hugh Simpson

Killer Instinct SURVIVAL Techniques Part 24

This is the LAST in this series and the MOST important for developing a KILLER INSTINCT.

Greg Amundson says we WARRIORS must practice EXCELLENCE AT ALL TIMES in order to reach our desired level of SUCCESS.

That is certainly NOT what we are seeing today especially with these Internet companies like WordPress, WORD, Pandora, Amazon, etc. Of course it goes without saying the US government is by the far the WORSE especially the White House!

Well several WAKE UP calls are going to happen and two have already begun – Grand Solar Minimum and the WORSE Recession since the 1929 Depression. Another one begins in 2032 – the Moon Wobble.

If these are not WAKE UPS, then I don’t know what is going to take!

I personally have my SAFE AREA already picked out and will be there before 2024 when we will be seeing the Grand Solar Minimum gathering and galloping forward drastically effecting 83,000,000 Americans. Yes the US government knows and have prepared places – abandoned US mines – for the ELITE, President, Vice President, Congress and Senate. Of course several of the ELITE 2% have either purchased or have built SUPER YACHTS like Jeff Bezos. The Clintons and Bill Gates have new residences in MOROCCO. I know this because hundreds of our handcranked generators you see here were sent there by US Homeland Security to prepare acres of UNDERGROUND places!

Well I wish you best. I have written this book you see here to help as many of you SURVIVE even you are not the ELITE 2%.

I will be starting a new series at both River Gypsy Captain and Sea Gypsy Live-Aboards on where I’m am personally going and how to join me!


Killer Instinct SURVIVAL Techniques Part 23

You might wonder how a WARRIOR has these characteristics as Greg Amundson describes here – RESPECT & LOVE others!

Actually my ancestors the Knights Templar did too. Yes, they were WARRIORS FOR CHRIST but they also were RESPECTFUL especially of those less fortunate and showed LOVE by setting up funds to help those people, who couldn’t work like the elderly.

However they did not participate in ENTITLEMENT philosophy that permeates especially the USA today!



Killer Instinct SURVIVAL Techniques Part 22

Another important aspect for us WARRIORS according to Greg is “lift other people’s emotions and feelings.”

Remember we are NOT an island as one great philosopher pointed out. Jesus did not come to condemn but LIFTED UP the downtrodden.

That is why I started:

I want to help the downtrodden HOMELESS youth, US military veterans and now seniors like myself.

I plan to use my GOD given talents especially raising awareness of the problems they face through my decades as a successful public relations consultant to celebrities and entrepreneurs and fundraising.



Killer Instinct SURVIVAL Techniques Part 21

Today we continue to look at other characteristics of WARRIORS like my ancestors the Knights Templar.

Greg Amundson says that WARRIORS are always encouraging and supporting others with GREAT ENTHUSIASM!

Whether it is your own family or friends or coworkers or employees we must encourage them to have a GROWTH MINDSET.

Also we must not be envious or jealous of their successes but instead be JOYFUL and encourage them to continue to grow and be successful!

More in next post!

