This is the LAST in this series and the MOST important for developing a KILLER INSTINCT.
Greg Amundson says we WARRIORS must practice EXCELLENCE AT ALL TIMES in order to reach our desired level of SUCCESS.
That is certainly NOT what we are seeing today especially with these Internet companies like WordPress, WORD, Pandora, Amazon, etc. Of course it goes without saying the US government is by the far the WORSE especially the White House!
Well several WAKE UP calls are going to happen and two have already begun – Grand Solar Minimum and the WORSE Recession since the 1929 Depression. Another one begins in 2032 – the Moon Wobble.

If these are not WAKE UPS, then I don’t know what is going to take!
I personally have my SAFE AREA already picked out and will be there before 2024 when we will be seeing the Grand Solar Minimum gathering and galloping forward drastically effecting 83,000,000 Americans. Yes the US government knows and have prepared places – abandoned US mines – for the ELITE, President, Vice President, Congress and Senate. Of course several of the ELITE 2% have either purchased or have built SUPER YACHTS like Jeff Bezos. The Clintons and Bill Gates have new residences in MOROCCO. I know this because hundreds of our handcranked generators you see here were sent there by US Homeland Security to prepare acres of UNDERGROUND places!

Well I wish you best. I have written this book you see here to help as many of you SURVIVE even you are not the ELITE 2%.

I will be starting a new series at both River Gypsy Captain and Sea Gypsy Live-Aboards on where I’m am personally going and how to join me!