Jumping on The Bandwagon Part 4

So as I have said numerous times, the Grand Solar Minimum Migration is NOT going to be a walk in the park! It will be a REAL challenge finding a SAFE AREA for 83,000,000+ Americans!

If you are up for this daunting challenge of joining the Grand Solar Minimum Migration, you should consider doing it with family members and even friends.

I facilitate this type of project with ECO-VILLAGE development.

You need to BAND TOGETHER!

Hugh Simpson

Jumping on The Bandwagon Part 3

As I mentioned previously, this is NOT going to be a walk in the park as you prepare for the Grand Solar Minimum Migration.

It is going to REQUIRE you to RISE & GRIND starting NOW! Not tomorrow NOW!

You are going to have to begin following my step-by-step plan in God’s Reset NOW!

Nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

I can think nothing more important than preparing for the Grand Solar Minimum Migration to make sure you have the BEST chance of SURVIVAL for you and your loved ones!

Hugh Simpson

Jumping on The Bandwagon Part 2

Here is what my mentor Marcus A Taylor says:


He is not referring to food but PERSISTENCE, RESILIENCE, & PUSHING FORWARD!

To WIN & SURVIVE this Grand Solar Minimum you have to be HUNGRY!

This is not going to be a walk in the park as the saying goes.

If you have ANY chance, you have to begin preparing and following my step-by-step plan in God’s Reset!

Hugh Simpson

Jumping On The Bandwagon Part 1

I had one of those informative dreams that GOD has been sharing with me regularly lately.

The first and most important word in this old and timely phrase is JUMPING.

You buy and read God’s Reset with its step-by-step process to SURVIVE the current Grand Solar Minimum and then JUMP on the bandwagon.


Reading is NOT enough!


I didn’t just read about tent living. I LIVED in a tent for six months in the western North Carolina mountains until a December day it hit 17 degrees and was constantly snowing. I was 67 years young at the time.


Hugh Simpson

Stats Don’t LIE!

At least in this case.

My guys at StatCounter are very good at keeping track of the FIRST TIME readers here and those that RETURN.

After Coast to Coast AM show there were 1622 NEW readers. Today’s stats of RETURNING readers was 196!

Since I have a background in statistics, I am not surprised at the drop off. We learned that when you have a show like Coast to Coast AM where a NEW topic is discussed EVERY show the audience gets all excited but then they move on to the next guest.

I already knew it would take numerous appearances on radio shows like Coast to Coast AM. I will most likely be doing a new one soon!

Will let you know which one and when.

Hugh Simpson


NO the current Grand Solar Minimum is NOT going to disappear just because you want it too!

10,000 YEARS of them happening like clockwork is NO INTERNET MYTH!

It is SCIENCE through continuous solar cycles having nothing to do with New Age wooie wooie!

So how are YOU going to PREPARE?

Are you going to stick your head in the sand?


Hugh Simpson

1000 x $1000

As you may have seen in a previous post the MOST I and my Xtreme Preparedness™ Team can work with personally for the Grand Solar Minimum Migration is ONE THOUSAND of the 83,000,000+ Americans in the cross hairs of the current Grand Solar Minimum.

I have a funnel system set up in God’s Reset that starts with seeing if people are SERIOUS or just tire kickers. We don’t have time for tire kickers!

Those that want the next step will be the ones we work with and that will be a small investment of only $1000!

Are YOU prepared to be one we lead personally on the Grand Solar Minimum Migration?

Hugh Simpson

Time to Buy An RV?

As I mentioned in God’s Reset the family buy an RV – recreational vehicle – to move themselves out of the path of the Grand Solar Minimum.

Right now one can find fairly reasonable prices on USED RVs.

With an RV you would have the option of spending time looking for the BEST place to move to. National US parks have reasonable rates as low as $10 per day. Most have facilities with bathrooms that are heated and with electrical outlets for shavers and blow dryers.

I have a friend that has a YouTube channel that shows how he travels through out the USA staying at these parks. Patrick told me that they usually have a fire pit for each individual space. Of course a Global SunOven could come in handy too.

He says that you are allowed to stay in your space for thirty days. He says then you can possibly move to another vacant space to start another 30 days!

People are also creating a living place on their property that incorporates the RV into it! They use the RV for a place to sleep and eat and the structure incorporated into the space for storage, living room, guests, etc.

Hugh Simpson

Dr. Zharkova Solar Physicist Part 2

Continuing what Dr. Zharkova has replied to so called former NASA Dr. Strong:

“Zharkova et al, 2018, JASTP, IAU proceeding (see http://solargsm.com/publicatioons) shown that these GSM occurred in the past (Maunder minimum, Wolf minimum, Oort minimum, Homeric minimum and many others.

“Recently, Zharkova et al 2023 https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=124007 with spectral methods shown the key frequencies/periods of oscillations in total solar irradiance (TSI) , they derived the periods of 350 years (T1) and 2200-2300 years (T2). This T1 is the averaged period of the GSM, which varies from 330 years for short but powerful grand solar cycles to 380-400 for long and weaker GSCs. While the two millennial period (T2) is associated with solar inertial motion and called Hallstatt’s cycle as described by the papers Zharkova et al, 2019 and the book chapter Zharkova, 2021 https://www.intechopen.com/chapters/75534.

“This period between GSM is calculated from the middle of the previous grand solar minimum to the next one. Hence thee previous GSM (1645-1715) had duration 70 years, half of it is 35. 1645+35= 1680. Then the next has should occur 1680 + 350= 2030 that is exactly when the middle of the modern GSM to occur.

“Dear Dr. Strong needs to improve his arithmetical skills I guess.”


As I warned Dr. Zharkova is ALWAYS very scientific in her replies! So now you have places to visit on her WEBSITE.

BTW interestingly enough the MOON WOBBLE leading to worldwide FLOODING of numerous coastal areas like New Orleans begins occurring in 2030! Even NASA agrees!

Hugh Simpson

Dr. Zharkova Solar Physicist Part 1

As you that listened to me on the recent Coast to Coast AM show heard, I first heard Dr. Zharkova on a YouTube video speaking to a group of fellow physicists on the current Grand Solar Minimum.

Since then we have become friends and I have posted numerous times about the algorithm she developed that looked back 10,000 YEARS where she found a Grand Solar Minimum occuring approximately every 350 YEARS like clockwork.

A so-called NASA physicist Dr. Strong has been trying to discredit Dr. Zharkova and myself. So here is what Dr. Zharkova replied to me yesterday:

“Poor Dr Strong does not read the recent papers about the modern grand solar minimum by Zharkova et al, 2015 https://www.nature.com/articles/srep15689. and Zharkova, 2020 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23328940.2020.1796243. These explain that grand solar minima (GSMs) appear every 330-380 years..

“These magnetic waves are detected from the magnetic observations, so these are not models. this are own modes of solar ,magnetic field oscillations called eigen vectors. These are called natural waves of the Sun’s system, which have natural frequencies. These natural frequencies are similar to the natural frequency of the Tahoma bridge, which began oscillating on this very frequency because induced by a strong gale that completely destroyed the bridge (google it to see what happened from the video).”

So as I mentioned above the 350 YEARS is approximate and as Dr. Zharkova shares here is 330-380 YEARS.

More of her reply tomorrow. In the meantime you can visit her WEBSITE. Warning – it is very scientifically directed with papers and slides. BTW Nature referred to above is one of the most prestigious scientific publications.

Hugh Simpson