Dr. Zharkova Solar Physicist

You have certainly seen many references to Dr. Zharkova PhD solar physicist, in previous posts, who used a scientific algorithm to look back over 10,000 YEARS of our Earth’s history to see, where and how often Grand Solar Minimums occur. She discovered that they occurred like clockwork every 350-380 YEARS lasting approximately 35 YEARS. Being the scientist she is she had another solar physicist see if she got the same results, which she did!

Here you see that during the Grand Solar Minimum SUNSPOTS are almost non-existent! Because of this Planet Earth becomes colder.

Also Dr. Zharkova says that there is an increase of VOLCANIC activity as we have seen with the one in Iceland. This can also lead to more shifts of the Earth’s plates leading to earthquakes.

The SAFE AREAS I have selected will avoid the Arctic freezing temperatures, volcanic activity and earthquakes.

Hugh Simpson

The Power Hour Radio Show

Yes, I will be joining with David at THE POWER HOUR again to update his listeners on the current Grand Solar Minimum this THURSDAY from 7AM to 9 AM USA Central Time Zone. If you can’t tune in live it will be archived.

I will be focusing on FOOD GROWING SYSTEM and POWER.

Hugh Simpson


Yes, now it is your turn to ask me or my Xtreme Preparedness™ Team questions about what you may have read in my new book God’s Reset or posts here.

You can ask either on this website or by emailing me at hughsimpson@gmx.com Subject: Grand Solar Minimum

Hugh Simpson


Yes, ANTS the insect kind!

So what do ANTS have to do with the Grand Solar Minimum?

They have an a God given ability to KNOW how cold the winter is going to be!

If it is going to be like the current winter we are experiencing in the USA, they can be seen in the SUMMER building ant hills of great height like I witnessed at my apartment complex.

I noted that several of the hills of red clay between the cracks of the concrete slabs were as high as FOUR INCHES!

In the past they have between 1-2 inches. So now they were DOUBLE in normal height!

It will very interesting to see how high they are in this coming 2024 summer as we begin to approach the colder phase of the Grand Solar Minimum.

Hugh Simpson

Come Together

As my 77 years young memory seems to remember there was a Beatles song with this phrase – COME TOGETHER.

In order to SURVIVE these chaotic turbulent times we MUST COME TOGETHER!

That is why I truly believe my consulting and designing ECO-VILLAGES is going to be so important when the current Grand Solar Minimum begins to move full speed ahead in late 2024 or early 2025.

We are going to have to join forces in not only one ECO-VILLAGE but a SYSTEM of them.

In order to have a fully functional ECO-VILLAGE you are going to need at least EIGHT families or units COMING TOGETHER.

Hugh Simpson

Is Your Head in the Sand?

Ostriches are depicted with their heads in the sand.

If you are not seriously looking at the PERFECT STORM I described in a previous post, then you have your head in the sand!

First, currently we are in a deepning RECESSION as you might have seen with an over 600 point drop in the DOW and it could be longer before the US Fed cuts its first interest rate!

Second, the current Grand Solar Minimum is NOT going to magically disappear! It has a clockwork occurrence over at least 10,000 YEARS as determined by my colleague Dr. Zharkova’s algorithm!

So when are you going to take your head out of the sand?

Hugh Simpson


This is a rendering of the last Grand Solar Minimum which resulted in a long Mini Ice Age.

Dr. Zharkova, my solar physicist Grand Solar Minimum expert, does not see a Mini Ice Age for the current Grand Solar Minimum; however we will still experience year around Arctic freezing temperatures causing the food growing system to STOP like it did in the last Grand Solar Minimum.

So having enough FOOD to potentially survive for up to 35 YEARS is going to be critical as I discuss in God’s Reset. That is why I discuss where both my fictional family from Topeka, Kansas move to and where you will find me!

There is good chance with over two thirds of the USA experiencing this epic event that the US government will NOT be effective or helpful. NO stimulus checks from Uncle Sam!

YOU are going to have to become very street smart and BARTERING is going to be a top strategy for SURVIVAL!

I would recommend you read my Kindle book Barter Wealth as I have in the past bartered for over $250,000 of products and services.

Think of what you are going to NEED to SURVIVE. It is not going to be stocks, bonds, US Treasury bills, cryptocurrencies, or even US dollars.

It is going to be hard assets like long term freeze dried food, ammo, water, shelter in places away from the effects of the Grand Solar Minimum, and most likely raw land in the areas I have discovered.


Hugh Simpson


Yes, in every DISASTER whether man-made or natural like the current Grand Solar Minimum OPPORTUNITY ABOUNDS!

If you buy and carefully read God’s Reset, you can discover several opportunities to not only SURVIVE but also reap financial rewards from this event that will possibly last 35 YEARS.

If the GRID goes down, which most likely the majority of the USA will experience, then cryptocurrency creation, which requires massive amounts of electricity, will NOT occur! It is also possible that there could be massive problems keeping the Internet up.

So what happens when you can’t use your crypto wallet or even the ATM?

I believe CASH and BARTER will be the financial kings.

I have a golden financial OPPORTUNITY for one person/group in the USA discussed in God’s Reset. It will require NO UPFRONT FEES and can easily be started with under $20,000!

Hugh Simpson

The PERFECT Storm Is Coming!

As you know the current Grand Solar Minimum is going to start gathering speed most likely in later 2024 or early 2025. That could last approximately 35 YEARS!

If you are a student of ECONOMICS like I am (first economics course in 7th grade in military school followed by a minor in it at Florida State University, then you need to realize that in the USA we have been in a RECESSION since October 2023 according to numerous well respected economists including my new friend Danielle Booth, formerly a consultant for nine years to the US Dallas Federal Reserve and owner of Qi Research.

Then according to recent reports there is a MASSIVE sunspot now turned to the USA. It could according to experts produce X FLARES, which are like the equivalency of Category 5 hurricane in energy release. These flares could even bring down the GRID!

So we are looking at a catastrophic PERFECT NATURAL STORM with added RECESSION!

Now you know why the producer of the internationally syndicated radio show Coast to Coast AM has nicknamed me DOCTOR GLOOM!

Hugh Simpson

Jumping on The Bandwagon Part 5

Here is some valuable advice from former UK Special Air Services member Bear Grylls.


I couldn’t say it better!

First, you have to adapt to a Grand Solar Minimum world of year around Arctic freezing temperatures for 35 YEARS.

Are you planning to go UNDERGROUND for its duration like some of those billionaires that bought condos in those renovated missle silos? Actually believe or not they SOLD OUT in 30 DAYS!

NOT ME! I hate claustrophobic places!

I want the OPEN SPACES like I have been use to plus MOBILITY!

If you read my new God’s Reset you will discover where I’m planning to spend my Grand Solar Minimum Migration time.


Yes, you are going to have to IMPROVISE in order to OVERCOME!

Again I have my plan in God’s Reset.

My plan is not that difficult or costly. And it FUN!

So what will be YOUR plan for the Grand Solar Minimum Migration?

Hugh Simpson