Here is the third of the four continuums concerning KILLER INSTINCT – ACTIONS.
Going from the right we find that we need to be PLAYFUL according to Ed Aiken. This is so we can more easily defuse the situation. However we don’t want to be PASSIVE!
If we can’t defuse the situation, then we must start moving to the left side of the continuum, where we find TOTAL ALL OUT COMMITMENT including injury or even death to the instigator especially if loved ones are involved. All aspects of FORCE MUST BE USED!
We are taught this in the Russian martial arts Systema. Throughout the entire scenario we MUST remain CALM BUT FOCUSED!
Final continuum in next post!
Have you emailed me at Subject: Manual to get Part 1 of my Templar Warriors Manual? There are numerous exercises on SITUATIONAL AWARENESS which could be valuable in KILLER INSTINCT SURVIVAL!
Hugh Simpson