Grand Solar Minimum Part 1

For those of you who you not familiar with the current Grand Solar Minimum here is some background information.

The Grand Solar Minimum occurs approximately every 350 years. World renowned solar physicist Dr Zharkova developed an algorithm that she used to study these GSMs all the way back 10,000 years. She discovered they occurred approximately EVERY 350 years like clockwork! She had another solar physicist confirm her algorithm and it was confirmed! An algorithm is scientifically and mathematically based.

The last one actually created a Mini Ice Age and led to the DEATHS of 25% of the European population by the Arctic temperatures and starvation!

This time we are looking at up to 83,000,000 Americans across two thirds of the USA effected by these Arctic freezing temperatures and potential starvation!

Yes, Europe, Russia, China and other countries will be effected!

You can visit her website HERE however I warn you she does not easily communicate with us nonscientific folks!

Hugh Simpson

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