I spoke to the inventor of the revolutionary 1600 watt handcranked and bike powered generator that we not currently offering because of the triple costs of manufacturing it! He has a Masters in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue. I asked him … Continue reading
The REALITY is that the Grand Solar Minimum is REAL and is going to create havoc on the Planet! As Ray Dalio says about solving PUZZLES, this is a MASSIVE LIFE THREATENING puzzle we ALL need to solve! So here … Continue reading
I am a huge fan of hedge fund BILLIONAIRE Ray Dalio and his Life Principles. Here is the first one: “I have found it helpful to think of my life as if it were a game in which each problem … Continue reading
As mentioned in the previous post there was a Mini Ice Age with the previous Grand Solar Minimum but Dr Zharkova does not see that happening this time; however there will still be the Arctic freezing temperatures lasting year around … Continue reading
For those of you who you not familiar with the current Grand Solar Minimum here is some background information. The Grand Solar Minimum occurs approximately every 350 years. World renowned solar physicist Dr Zharkova developed an algorithm that she used … Continue reading
I learned years ago from the legendary SUN BEAR to watch the ANTS. He also taught me how to use a ROACH in a jar to warn of impending EARTHQUAKES! So I have been watching the ANTS here in my … Continue reading
Yep, all life and especially with mammals you are either the PREDATOR or the PREY! BTW you are a MAMMAL! You have heard only the STRONG SURVIVE. I think it is even in a song. As a long time (22 … Continue reading
My Bug-out Backpack If you can’t find a SAFE PLACE right away you sure can get yourself and each family member a BUG-OUT BACKPACK like this one or a SLACKPACK for the younger members. In fact, a 10 year old … Continue reading
Yep, soon you may find it is the following that is way more acceptable than the US Dollar! GOLD…SILVER…AMMO…CIGARS…CIGARETTES…WHISKEY…MEDICAL SUPPLIES…TOILET PAPER…FREEZE DRIED FOOD, etc. When I fractured my tibia they gave me a bottle of 90 tablets of OXCYCONTIN which … Continue reading