Our founder Hugh Simpson learned of the Global SunOven® years ago and became friends of the inventor Paul. It has been featured in Hugh’s books.
Hugh likes this one because you can adjust the angle to best take advantage of the sun. He has set his at about noon position of the sun early in the morning and by the time he gets ready for dinner he has a PERFECTLY cooked meal with NEVER any burn spots.
You just fill your pot with a third of the water you would normally use and set it on the self-leveling tray.
Due to the aggressive forest fires we are seeing, the US and state forestry services are some times prohibiting open fires. With the attached handle it is easy to carry it to the campsite!
On a really sunny day here in the Smokies, the Global Sun Oven® will hit 300 degrees in 30 minutes! Hugh has even used it successfully on a cloudy day!
It will not only cook but bake, broil and dehydrate with the racks that an option with the unit.