To GOD Be The Glory!

Tonight I attended a new DISCIPLESHIP program – Freedom That Last – at my Discover Church. Afterwards we had a marvelous fried chicken and potato salad dinner.

For some reason I went all around the long table and sat next to a guy whose name is Chris.

Well that was all planned by GOD!

As you remember I have been praying and looking for someone to take over XtremePreparedness™.

So I mentioned to Chris that I have taught Preparedness and Survival Skills for 24 years after I found out he was a retired US Marine. This got his attention and I then realized he might be the one!

He definitely wants to learn and I presented him with the XtremePreparedness™ cap!

I mentioned to our teacher Sonny I would be glad to teach our congregation the Preparedness and Survival Skills and he got excited. He is also an elder.


Hugh Simpson

LAST Unit Shipped Yesterday!

Yes, sadly the inventor Tim told me after 16 years of manufacturing these incredible devices it was time to call it quits.

Thousands have been sold from the smaller 450 watts unit to the powerful 1600 watts units to first responders, US military, Israeli military, and ordinary PREPARED citizens.

Also due to the COVID induced supply chain chaos and now inflation the cost to manufacture has almost doubled and shipping companies have been trashing a number of units.


If you got one, be glad because NOW is the time they are going to be needed the most!

It is possible I will find someone, who wants to invest in building them. If you are serious, send me an email at Subject: Generator and I will put you in touch with Tim.

Hugh Simpson


Yes, I have not had one for DECADES!

If the US Presidential election is a repeat of the past BS we have seen, then I and others may relocate!


My STRONGEST is BELIZE with long time friend Trevor, Judge and his sister is a Belizean Consular and attorney in US.


I will soon have a new area on this site with contact info for hopefully all four locations.

Hugh Simpson


Yes, HURRICANE SEASON has officially kicked off for 2024!

As many of you know I’m the guy George Noori calls on at Coast to Coast AM when a hurricane is upon us.

I’m originally from Florida and actually at 14 got the opportunity to work with the American Red Cross during the time a major hurricane hit my hometown of Jacksonville. I got to see a lid of a metal trash can flying through the air like a Frisbee. I got to go out with the Florida National Guard to go down the street in the big truck asking people living on the St. John’s River it they want us to evacuate them.

This could be a potentially rough season with the predictors seeing up to SIX MAJOR HURRICANES!

Guess I’ll be back on Coast to Coast AM!

Hugh Simpson


No surprise that REAL SCIENCE is being ignored by NASA lapdogs and main stream media just like with what I wrote in God’s Reset about the upcoming Grand Solar Minimum.

Whether they report it or not we are experiencing a 5% loss of Earth’s MAGNETIC FIELD ANNUALLY NOW!

This will eventually lead to the Earth’s MAGNETIC FLIP!

Hugh Simpson

Xflares, CMEs & Magnetic Flip

Yes, I have been learning so much about what is currently happening on Planet Earth from my new Christian brother and Space Weather expert!

You have to be living under a rock to not have learned of the tremendous Corona Mass Ejections or CMEs that occurred.

However more concerning is what he discussed HERE about the losing of the Earth’s MAGNETISM at the alarming rate of 5% ANNUALLY leading to the final MAGNETIC FLIP in around 2040!

This will definitely coincide with the Grand Solar Minimum too! What effect it will have on it I don’t know.

The worldwide TSUNAMIS that will certainly occur greatly concerns me as you learned about in the VIDEO above.

I strongly suggest you watch his two time daily reports at his SITE and SUBSCRIBE!

Hugh Simpson

Massive X-Flares

I personally experienced these X-Flares yesterday as you might have. I use Cricket Wireless, which is a sister company of AT&T.

Both were drastically effected causing a nationwide outage for the majority of the morning.

As one article said this is one of the last effects of the GRAND SOLAR MAXIMUM and was predicted several days ago.

As this GRAND SOLAR MAXIMUM wanes then we will be begin to feel the Arctic freezing temperatures of the GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM lasting longer through the year.

Dr. Zharkova, my colleague and renowned solar physicist, says we should begin to feel these effects in the latter part of 2024 to the early part of 2025.

Hugh Simpson

Dr. Zharkova Solar Physicist

You have certainly seen many references to Dr. Zharkova PhD solar physicist, in previous posts, who used a scientific algorithm to look back over 10,000 YEARS of our Earth’s history to see, where and how often Grand Solar Minimums occur. She discovered that they occurred like clockwork every 350-380 YEARS lasting approximately 35 YEARS. Being the scientist she is she had another solar physicist see if she got the same results, which she did!

Here you see that during the Grand Solar Minimum SUNSPOTS are almost non-existent! Because of this Planet Earth becomes colder.

Also Dr. Zharkova says that there is an increase of VOLCANIC activity as we have seen with the one in Iceland. This can also lead to more shifts of the Earth’s plates leading to earthquakes.

The SAFE AREAS I have selected will avoid the Arctic freezing temperatures, volcanic activity and earthquakes.

Hugh Simpson

The Power Hour Radio Show

Yes, I will be joining with David at THE POWER HOUR again to update his listeners on the current Grand Solar Minimum this THURSDAY from 7AM to 9 AM USA Central Time Zone. If you can’t tune in live it will be archived.

I will be focusing on FOOD GROWING SYSTEM and POWER.

Hugh Simpson